Dartmouth Events

Government Honors Thesis Presentation

R. Katyal and S. Majumder

12 pm – 1 pm
Silsby 215 and Haldeman 124
Intended Audience(s): Alumni, Faculty, Postdoc, Staff, Students-Graduate, Students-Undergraduate

12:10 - 1:10PM: Rem Katyal, “Constitutionalizing Tribal Sovereignty: A New Approach to Indian Law's Most Foundational Principle”Silsby 215

2:10 – 3:10PM: Sharanya Majumder, “From Demonization to Self-Promotion: The Persuasive Effects of Russian Propaganda Strategies on Mexican Public Opinion”Haldeman 124

For more information, contact:
Roberta Seaver

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.