Dartmouth Events

View from the Top with Former U.S. Senator Rob Portman

Rob Portman, former U.S. Senator from Ohio, joins Dartmouth and Tuck Professor Charles Wheelan for a moderated discussion titled “A Political Path Forward: How Can the U.S. Restore

12:00 pm – 1:15 pm
McLaughlin Atrium, Raether Hall
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Dartmouth Dialogues

Rob Portman, whose career in public service spans three decades and includes serving in three presidential administrations, two terms in the United States Senate, and six terms in the United States House of Representatives, is a distinguished visiting fellow in the practice of public policy at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), and founder of The Portman Center for Policy Solutions. 

He will join Dartmouth and Tuck Professor Charles Wheelan for a View from the Top discussion titled “A Political Path Forward: How Can the U.S. Restore Our Capacity to Govern?”

View from the Top is the Tuck School of Business’s flagship speaker series, bringing the most accomplished and influential leaders to Dartmouth for an immersive experience with Tuck and Dartmouth students, faculty, and top administrators.

For more information, contact:
Eric Walters

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.