Dartmouth Events

A Discussion on the Horrific Events Unfolding in Israel and Gaza

The Jewish Studies and Middle Eastern Studies programs invite you to a discussion, with members of the faculty, on the horrific events unfolding in Israel and Gaza.

5:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Haldeman Hall 41 (Kreindler Conference Hall)
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts and Sciences

The Jewish Studies and Middle Eastern Studies programs invite you to a discussion, with members of the faculty, on the horrific events unfolding in Israel and Gaza.

Tuesday, October 10th, 5pm, Haldeman 041
register to join the Tuesday livestream here

Thursday, October 12th, 5pm, Filene Auditorium (Note venue change)
register to join the Thursday livestream here.

Co-sponsored by:

The Office of the President
The Dean of Faculty of Arts and Sciences
The Dean of the College
The Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity
The John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding
The William Jewett Tucker Center
Hillel at Dartmouth
The Leslie Center for the Humanities
The Ethics Institute
The Government Department

For more information, contact:
Susannah Heschel

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.