Dartmouth Events

Dartmouth Night & Bonfire

Dartmouth welcomes students, alumni and the community to the annual Homecoming parade, Dartmouth Night and, of course, the legendary bonfire!

7 pm – 9 pm
Dartmouth Green
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Homecoming

Please join the Dartmouth community for an evening of celebration and campus connections!  Friday evening's schedule is as follows:

7 p.m. Alumni and Dartmouth Students Gather for Parade
Crosby Street - Look for your class banner!

7:20–8 p.m. Dartmouth Night Parade
Up East Wheelock to North Main Street and around the Green

8 p.m. Dartmouth Night Ceremonies
Dartmouth Hall Steps

8:30 p.m. Bonfire on the Green
Cheer for the Class of 2027 as they celebrate the warmth of the Dartmouth spirit.

For more information, contact:
Conferences & Events

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.