Dartmouth Events

Government Honors Thesis Presentations

Please join the Government Department for this year's Honors Thesis Presentations on May 19th through the 26th

All Day
Silsby Hall 126
Intended Audience(s): Public

All presentations will be held in Silsby Hall, Room 126

Friday, May 19th, 2023

9:00AM - 10:00AM: Arvind Shankar, “The Paper Bengal Tiger: Assessing India’s Great Power Rise”

1:00PM-2:00PM: Marco Allen, “Ctrl+Alt+Defeat: Assessing The Impact of Cyber Operations in a US-China Conflict”

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

9:00AM -10:00AM: Isabella Dunbar, “From Hope to Disappointment: The Perils of Public Optimism in Democratization”

11:30AM-12:30PM: Matthew Gluck, “A Reflective Right: The Roots of Disagreement Over Privacy in the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause”

2:00PM-3:00PM: Ryan Schwartz, “From Wall Street to Main Street: How Equity Ownership and Retail Investor Engagement Shape Policy Preferences”

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023

8:30AM -9:30AM: Deirdre O’Neill, “At War with Words: The Danger of Metaphor in Political Persuasion”

Wednesday, May 24th, 2023

9:00AM – 10:00AM: Mitchell Ransden, “Mudslinging at the Margins: The Conditionality of Negative Campaigning Under Ranked-Choice Voting in the United States.”

1:00PM – 2:00 PM: Caleb Benjamin, “Drones in the Age of Conventional Conflict: Assessing Whether Low-Cost Drones Could Destroy Mobile Targets in a U.S.-China Conflict”

Friday, May 26th, 2023

9:00AM-10:00AM: Samuel Zuniga, “Reconsidering Emotions, Political Representation, and Remembrance: A Theory of Political Forgiveness for Reparations”

1:00PM-2:00PM: Meghan Powers, “Aesthetics, Politics, & Aesthetic Political Theory”

For more information, contact:
Miya Wickramasinghe

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.