Honor Students and their Advisors 

  • Fred M. Ames - "The Creation of the Demagogue: Thucydides, Plato, and Aristotle" Advisor: Prof. Murphy
  • Patrycja Bazylczyk - "Does Democracy Matter? Investigating the Effect of Democracy on State Convergence with US Foreign Policy" Advisor: Prof. Wohlforth
  • Nicolas Berlinski - "The Message or the Messenger? A Comparative Study of the Mechanisms of news Media Effects" Advisor: Prof. Nyhan
  • Noah J. Campbell -  "Search for the New Land: Necropolitics, Agonism, and Black Dissociation" Advisor: Prof. Threadcraft
  • Christopher J. de Grandpré- "The Specter in South Korea: Mapping an Arsenal for a Nuclear Republic of Korea" Advisor: Prof. Press
  • Elizabeth S. Garrison - "The Impact of Identity and Personal Values on American Public Support for Minority Rights" Advisor: Prof. Valentino
  • Gigi Gunderson - "All Quiet on the Cosmic Front: Assessing the Vulnerability of American Space-Based Military Systems" Advisor: Prof. Press
  • Shira B. Hornstein- "Wasting a Good Crisis: The Effects of Polarization on Public Opinion During National Emergencies" Advisor: Prof. Nyhan
  • Caterina B. Hyneman- "Skin in the Game? Predicting the Future of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems" Advisor: Prof. Miller
  • Delphine G. Jrolf – "Social Expertise: Understanding the Knowledge, Influence, and Power That Explain American Inequality" Advisor: Prof. Bedi
  • Marina L. Liot – "The Puzzle of Power Transition Theory: Why Dominant Powers Trade with Challenger States" Advisor: Prof. Mastanduno
  • Akosua A. Twum-Antwi – "Let's Talk About It: Exploring a proactive Process to Protect Voting Rights and Promote Racial Justice" Advisor: Prof. Bedi
  • Ezekiel Vergara – "Just and Unjust Revolutions: A Theoretical Examination of the Ethics of Revolutions" Advisor: Prof. Murphy
  • Anna G. Wilinsky – "Speak Loudly and Carry a Big Stick: How Military Elites Shape American Foreign Policy" Advisor: Prof. Friedman
  • Faven Woldetatyos – "Ties That May Not Bind: Investigating Ethnic Voting Variation in Sub-Saharan Africa" Advisor: Prof. Horowitz


Bennett Essay Prize in Political Theory and Public Law - Ezekiel Vergara  

Pressman Prize in American Government - Shira B. Hornstein  

Rockefeller Prize in Comparative Politics - Nicolas Berlinski 

Rockefeller Prize in Intl. Relations - Gigi Gunderson & Caterina Hyneman 

The James Fairbanks Colby Government Prize - Nicholas C. Nobles 

The Fowler Family Prize in Democratic Politics - Hannah Frater