Richard F. Winters

  • Professorship in Government

  • William Clinton Story Remsen Class of 1943


HB 6108

Selected Publications

  • "The Politics of Taxing and Spending," in Politics in the American States , H. Jacobs, V. Gray and R. Hanson (eds.), (1999).

  • "The Politics of Taxing and Spending," in Politics in the American States , H. Jacobs, V. Gray and R. Hanson (eds.), (1996).

  • "The Electoral-Political Economy of Taxation," in 1995 Papers and Proceedings of the National Tax Association , (1995).

  • "Taxes and Voting: Electoral Retribution in the American States," with S. L. Kone, Journal of Politics , (February 1993).

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Works In Progress

"State Politics and Policy Journal: the editors' introduction;" "The Political Economy of Taxes and the Vote;" "Corruption in the American states;" "Linking public and private charitability in the American states"