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Professor of Government, Brendan Nyhan, along with Peter K. Enns of Cornell University, has been awarded the APSA's (American Political Science Associations's) Elections, Public Opinion, and Voting Behavior Emerging Scholar Award. The award is presented annually to the top scholar in the field who is within 10 years of their Ph.D.
Brendan Nyhan is a highly productive and normatively oriented scholar. For example, his nomination letters noted his interest in not only trying to understanding the relationship between information or misperception and behavior, but how to correct incorrect information in ways that might produce different outcomes. His work covers a wide range of topics including conspiracy theories, public financing, media fact checking, the role of Congressional staff in policy making, campaign strategy, political persuasion, and social networks and has appeared in the top journals. While Brendan’s publication record is substantial he also is an active participant in the blogosphere, where he has been described as, “one of the most thought-provoking writers about politics on the web.” He writes for Upshot, the NYT replacement blog for FiveThirtyEight and was a cofounder of Bright Line Watch, a group of four political scientists who “monitor democratic practices and call attention to threats to American Democracy.” Finally, Brendan skipped associate professor and moved right from assistant to full another point demonstrating his appropriateness for an emerging scholar award. Overall, his scholarly record and research trajectory clearly make him an emerging scholar.